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February 25, 2011

Chobots is back :D

hey guys cho is back :DDD after 2 days :D

Speaking of cho what did u get in the rain
i got
1 dummy
2 3 chlos shirts
3 a beta fireman suit
4 a chair O.o
5 a bear suit
6 2 angel suits
comment what u got!

February 21, 2011

Chobots unavalible

Hi guys chobots is unavalible right now (How annyoing!!!)

Here is what it says for me trying to get on :( [Click to zoom In]

Ok seeeeeeya Guys


February 18, 2011

Bye bye items :(

These items r gonna be deleted tomorrow!! :( Buy them while u still can!


February 16, 2011

Ok So When we have 20 followers i will pick a lucky winner (Any ill close my eyes) And They will Get a sig or a tracker on my blog (For life) Or a Header!
Then every 5 people who follow i will host that :)


February 06, 2011

Schools back

:( School backs = not much posting DDDD:

Sorry :(
